Python identifiers

Python identifiers are the smaller elements of Python program. We can say, the identifiers are used to identify a variable, module, class, function and other object.

Rules for identifiers are.

  • Python identifiers are stared with the alphabet (a-z) or (A -Z) or underscore ( _ ).
  • Python identifiers are followed by any alphabet (a-z) or (A-Z), number (0-9) and underscore(_).
  • Python identifiers does not start with the digit (number (0-9)) and any special characters (@, % and $ etc.)
  • Python identifiers does not have any special characters (@, % and $ etc.)

Example for identifiers are.

_name                 Correct
name_                 Correct
_name1                 Correct
2name                 Incorrect
name_lastname_1 Correct
@name                 Incorrect
name@                 Incorrect
Name                 Correct
Name1                 Correct
